Software to install before the microbiome workshop

Most of the tutorials that will be done at the microbiome workshop will be done remotely on Ceres, the high-performance computer, but some basic software is needed to connect and visualize the data we will be generating. All of these programs should be installable without administrator rights. Instructions for major operating systems are listed below.


  1. Putty
    • A terminal client for connecting to Ceres (or Chrome can be used for SSH with limited features)
    • Available here:
  2. Google Chrome Browser
  3. Bandage for viewing FASTG files
  4. Atom Code Editor
    • Optional install, but useful for editing scripts. Other text editors are fine too
    • Available here:


  1. Terminal
    • built in
  2. Google Chrome Browser
  3. Bandage for viewing FASTG files
  4. Atom Code Editor
    • Optional install, install but useful for editing scripts. Other text editors are fine too
    • Available here:


  1. Terminal
    • built in
  2. Google Chrome Browser
  3. Bandage for viewing FASTG files
  4. Atom Code Editor
    • Optional install, but useful for editing scripts. Other text editors are fine too
    • Available here: